
Minnerva has developed several OmniTRANS 'Plug-ins' - specialist tools which provide functonality designed to meet specific needs. These include:

Accessibility Analysis: This Plug-in provides a series of menu based forms which guide the user through the various steps in formulating an Accessibiliy Model and how the output is to be displayed. Various model types are supported:

• Network Cost
• Network Cost Threshold
• Simple Hansen Measure
• Relative Hansen Measure
• Weighted Hansen Measure

These accessibility models can be applied to the multi-modal/multi-temporal networks that are easy to handle using OmniTRANS. Download the leaflet to find out more.

Roadside Interview (RSI) Validation Tool: This is Plug-in is a component of procedure that helps validate observed trips through each survey site to ensure that the given Origin - Destination pairs are reasonable given the location of the site. An important validation of the 'raw' survey data to help ensure that the downstream model is built using the best quality data

Model Parameters Manager: This provides the control and management of project level 'global variables' used in modelling scripts

(Contact: Martin Bach)

StudyTown: Designed to help University students taking a course in Transport Planning, this Plug-in helps students to undertake a range of exercises that use the capabilities of OmniTRANS, but do not require much knowledge of how to operate it. This Plug-in was originally developed for the University of London Centre for Transport Studies (ULCTS) at Imperial College and has been used successfully to instruct over 60 students on their Master's course.

(Contact: Miles Logie)