
The quality of a Transport Model depends on the quality of its data. To help ensure this there is a lot to be said for processing, where possible, the ‘raw data’ within the framework of the model for which it is to be used.

Transport modelling data is very expensive to collect, equally expensive to process, yet is often validated, manipulated and transformed in software packages which do not understand the inherent relationships within ‘transport data’ and are so processed out of context. To facilitate in these tasks, Minnerva have developed a set of tools which are focussed on undertaking some of the more common data processing tasks in an efficient and productive manner. These include:

Postcode – Grid Referencing - Zone Coding Survey Data: The task of converting interview survey data to usable records for matrix building, whether it is from Roadside, Public Transport or Household Interviews, is a task that has always been with us. A set of 'classes' are provided to help the analyst transform raw survey data to zone coded survey records, using proprietary postcode to grid reference data sets.

A method is provided for dealing with partial postcodes.

Note: Non UK postcode structures can be supported on demand.

Network and Data Manipulation Tools: A series of classes designed to simplify data management and network development issues when working on large projects. Tool are provided to:

• Import Count Site Data
• Import Transit Stops
• Import Zonal Land Use Data
• Import name labels for Zone/Nodes
• Calculate Expansion Factors for Roadside Interview Data
• Calculate Expansion Factors for On-Board Bus Surveys
• Generate new survey variables (e.g. General Purpose codes)
• Generate Zone Centroid Connectors - using a rule set
• Generate and manipulate Zone Centroids
• Zone code links and nodes
• Convert Public Transport line frequencies to Highway VPH

View the online manual to see the most up to date functionality.

(Contact: Martin Bach)