Minnerva provided MORI with a map-based data entry
system used to help process survey data collected from drivers of
foreign commercial vehicles in a commission undertaken for the UK
Department for Transport.
The Data Entry system allowed the user to trace
routes with the GIS using maps laid over survey sheets (the offset
in the picture above highlights the two sets of maps that would
normally be more coincident). Because many routes were similar,
the system, written mainly in Map Basic, allowed the user to copy
part or all of routes that had already been traced.
The tracing was controlled from a customised menu
provided in MapInfo. This allowed information relating to a tracing
to be acquired from the map, specifically the distance travelled
along different types of routes. This information was accumulated
in an MS Access database that was subject to separate analysis.
Controls allowed the precision of the process to be matched with
concerns of accuracy and speed.
(Contact: Miles