
OmniTRANS is a new Transport Planning Package developed and marketed by Dutch company Omnitrans International.

With its powerful data management facilities, object oriented job scripting language and comprehensive user interface, OmniTRANS delivers to the transport planner a powerful set of tools used to address an extensive range of transport modelling problems.

One of the major issues faced by a modeller is the control and management of potentially large and complex datasets that need to be established in the first instance, and then used in model runs where a large number of variants may be generated. OmniTRANS simplifies this task through its Project and Data Management interfaces. These enable efficient and consistent storage of data in a relational database. Project Variants can be generated without being concerned about how the data involved is handled; all you need do is concentrate on the changes that have to be made to the base information.

Matrix based data is thought of as existing in a ‘hypercube’ whose dimensions represent the modelling axes that are relevant to the model, such as mode, time period, purpose, user class. The network structure supports integrated modelling of all modes of transport; such as motorised vehicles, cycle, public transit and walk.

OmniTRANS supports a wide range of modelling functionality and its object oriented scripting language empowers the advanced modeller in a way that few other packages can match. The use of the Ruby Open Source scripting language as its native scripting language empowers OmniTRANS in a very significant manner; the power of a fully fledged programing language is available within a transport data centric environment. This provides unlimited scope as to what is possible.

OmniTRANS has been used successfully on range of significant projects in the UK and Ireland, as well in other worldwide locations.

Visit the OmniTRANS web site to find out more.

(Contact: Martin Bach)