Minnerva comprises
a group of highly skilled professionals who have many years collective experience
in the field of transportation. Our experience enables us to see the larger
picture while providing familiarity with the detailed technicalities
Our core expertise is
in the fields of transport planning, modelling, public transport operations,
software, and financial and management consultancy. We aim to deliver imaginative
but practical solutions in a timely, flexible and cost effective manner
Our end-clients include public sector bodies, both central
and local government and their agencies, and the private sector. We also
support large and small consultancies serving this client base, helping
them both win work and undertake it
We enjoy being involved in interesting and challenging
projects. Our approach is to invest in developing the effective long term
working relationships that we believe are the key to personal and professional
satisfaction for both clients and ourselves
An element of Minnerva's strength comes from access to
its extended network of skilled professionals who are available to help
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